Saturday, February 16, 2008

Code Geass: Nina Einstein

Actually, Nina is the one I hate most in this anime.
But, since someone request about her.. I will grant his request..
There she goes..

Nina Einstein (ニーナ・アインシュタイン Nīna Ainshutain)

Voiced by: Saeko Chiba (Japanese), Kim Mai Guest (English)

  • Age: 17
  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Blood Type: A
One of the members of the Student Council. She is usually on a computer or reading. Nina has a fear of Elevens and was initially intimidated by Suzaku having joined the Student Council, but seems to have warmed up to him. She is also researching the possibilities of Uranium-235 as a fuel. She develops an intense crush on Princess Euphemia after the princess shifted a soldier's attention from Nina to herself during the Lake Kawaguchi Convention Center Hotel incident. Upon discovering Euphemia's death, Nina becomes emotionally unstable and begins working to modify the Ganymede Knightmare Frame and to equip it with a prototype nuclear weapon to try and inflict revenge upon Zero. During the siege at the end of the series, she has managed to halt any conflict at the school due to her possession of a prototype sakuradite enhanced nuclear weapon and the fact it appears she has mentally snapped.

This is where Nina meet Euphemia Li Britannia for the first time.

Apart from masturbating at school over magazines, Nina’s hobbies include computers, following Milly around like a lost sheep.. what a hobby.. -_-"



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